Title: Vaca Hippy
Location: Centre Comercial Gran Via 2
Artist: Anna Nadal
Sponsor: Cowparade Bcn.

How does the cow reflect barcalona?
This cow seemed a rather generic design to me. The sponsership of the Cowparade instead of a specific company, allows the cow to be less "Barcelona" and more decorative.
How does the cow "fit" its enviroment?
I thought the cafe area of Gran Via 2 a good location for the 4 cows they placed their. Easy for casual dinners to look at the cows without using effort. It decorated a rather large empty space.
How does barcalona react to the cow?
Some stopped and looked, especially after seeing me take pictures, but as a rather unexciting cow, this one got little notice.
Copyright Katrina Pickett June 2005