Title: Pepito
Location: Gran Via 2
Sponsor: Gran Via 2

How does the cow reflect barcalona? This cow is remincient of the Barcalona bocadilla, a very common mid day food in the area.
How does the cow fit the enviroment? The cows in the mall were very colorful and decrative. They felt as much a part of the mall as the annual Christmas decorations might be.

How does barcalona react to the cow? All the cows in the mall recieved a relatively large amount of attention from some of the shoppers. It wasnt rare to see the ocasional group pausing for a photo in front of one. Small children seemed most facinated by the cows and were constantly dragging their parents to the next facinating cow. The baracolona's seemed happy with cows prescense in general.
Copyright Katrina Pickett June 2005